Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Half A Cake + Half A Song = A Whole Lot of Fun

Today was Kirsten's "Half Birthday"... C'mon... you know what a half birthday is right? The glorious day when mere seven year olds officially become seven and a HALF year olds! We like to celebrate by making half a Birthday Cake, singing half of the "Happy Birthday" song, and telling Kirsten "Happy Bir..." all day long (we only say half of it... get it?).

Here is our beautiful half of a cake. (The candy says 7 1/2)

The boys were thoughtful enough to only be HALF dressed for the party :)

There is usually a "no gifts on Half Birthday" policy... but since I found some Hannah Montana hair glitter for HALF off I went for it! (That's actually totally untrue... it was 90% off and only .75 but I was trying to keep with the theme.)

... and notice that the gift is only HALF wrapped

This is what seven and a half looks like!

"Happy Bir... Honey!"


jag said...

AWESOME tradition! By the way, I'm gearing up to make a heart shaped meatloaf in about a month. Your fam. has some great ideas!

Tiffany Feger said...

you're so good w/ your blog! We should live closer. We'll see you on Sat though, right?!

Lorie said...

What a fun mom you are! I know people that celebrate 1/2 birthdays, but only because their birthday is right by Christmas! What a fun idea!!

And the half cake is THE BEST!

Pres-tone said...

This looks so fun! And 7 1/2 looks pretty good.

debi9kids said...

That is such a cute tradition! (although i think if i did it, I'd end up celebrating birthdays and half birthdays nearly every day. LOL)

What a beautiful girl!